New Studio!

We at Battlerigs are thrilled to announce that we’ve officially moved into our brand-new studio! This is a monumental step for us, and we couldn’t be more excited to share this journey with our incredible community.

Why the Move?

As a rapidly growing team dedicated to bringing you the best in gaming setups and equipment, we realized that we needed a space that matches our ambition and creativity. Our new studio is designed to foster innovation, collaboration, and most importantly, a place where we can craft the ultimate gaming experiences for you.

The New Space

Our new studio is more than just a workspace—it’s a hub for creativity and innovation. Here’s a sneak peek into what makes it special:

State-of-the-Art Facilities: Equipped with cutting-edge technology and high-performance workstations, our new studio ensures that our team has everything they need to push the boundaries of gaming setups.
Collaborative Workspaces: We believe that the best ideas come from collaboration. Our open-plan office is designed to facilitate teamwork and creative brainstorming.
Comfort and Style: Aesthetics matter, especially in the gaming world. Our new studio features sleek, modern designs with plenty of space for relaxation and inspiration.

Thank You!

This move wouldn’t have been possible without the support of our amazing community. You’ve been with us every step of the way, and we can’t wait to show you what we’ve got in store.

Here’s to new beginnings and epic gaming adventures! Stay tuned for updates and behind-the-scenes looks at our new studio. As always, happy gaming!


The Battlerigs Team

Battlerigs New Studio

George Howitt

Hailing from Lincoln, England, George isn't your average tech user. A self-proclaimed computer enthusiast, he thrives on building and fixing machines, especially those featuring the eye-catching aesthetics of water cooling. George's passion extends beyond the build process, as he enjoys sharing his knowledge and experiences with various tech products.